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Everything to Know About Custom-Coil Manufacturer

Everything to Know About Custom-Coil Manufacturer

Everything to Know About Custom-Coil Manufacturer

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The job of a custom coil manufacturer is to build custom-made micro-coils. In order to build the custom-made coils, manufacturers require to follow the specifications and requirements of the customers. The shape and size of the custom coils depend on the application area. These custom-made micro-coils have significant demand in the medical field to prepare different types of medical devices. However, there are numerous challenges associated with the manufacturing process of custom-made coils.

Challenges and the Methods to Overcome the Challenges: 

From medical equipment to solar panels, micro-coils have significant applications in the preparation of an enormous number of devices. The major activities of the micro-coil manufacturing process are the coil winding process, treatment of the conductors or wires, and the development of the sensors. The miniaturized size of the micro-coils is the main challenge for the manufacturers. On the other hand, the miniaturized size of the micro-coils is essential to place the coils into tiny medical devices. Therefore, the main physical constraint is space. The manufacturers require to prepare the micro-coils of about 0.8 mm width.

Due to this size constraint, manufacturers also need to use ultra-fine wires during the coil winding process. With the help of modern technologies, most manufacturers are able to create ultra-fine wires of 9 microns diameter and then they wind the wires around a pin or core. However, handling the ultra-fine wires is the biggest challenge for the manufacturers. On one hand, manufacturers need to isolate the wires in order to avoid oxidization and other damages of the wires. On the other hand, they need to connect these tiny wires. Apart from connecting two ultra-fine wires, the manufacturers also need to connect different parts of a device with the ultra-fine wire because any device consists of many other parts besides a micro-coil.

In order to provide these connections, manufacturers can not apply traditional welding or soldering methods. There are multiple drawbacks associated with these methods and they can create several issues, such as lower durability, inferior conductivity, oxidization in the joints and the wire. Due to imprecise heating spreading by these methods, the ultra-fine wires can meet the isolation breakpoint and t will result in the damage of the wire. To overcome these problems and to provide effective connectivity solutions, most modern manufacturers rely on Thermo compression bonding technology to build the connections with ultra-fine wires. This method is suitable for similar ultra-fine wires as well as different ultra-fine wires. You can even use this method if there is a difference of almost twelve times in the diameter of the wires as well as if the wires are made of different materials. Manufacturers can now easily build highly trustable and reliable, strain-free and corrosion-free connections with this technology.

Potentials of an Ideal Custom Coil Manufacturer:

An ideal custom coil manufacturing company should have the potential to offer several benefits, such as


  • There should be high-notch technological machinery and equipment in the manufacturing company.
  • In order to conduct the whole manufacturing process, the company should employ multiple professional employees who have good experience in the micro-coil manufacturing industry.
  • An ideal manufacturer should have the capacity to prepare frames of different shapes for the coils.
  • The manufacturing company should offer unique types of coils through the winding process.
  • In order to fulfill the high-speed orders for micro-coils, the manufacturing company should allow mass production processes.
  • Above all, manufacturers should maintain the quality and high standards of the custom-made coils.

Applications of Custom-Made Coils:

Custom-made micro-coils are useful in numerous applications, especially in medical applications, such as

  • Custom-made medical coils are useful to record data to and from the miniaturized implants and to regulate and monitor the transfer of the signals.
  • In order to charge the wireless implants within the body, custom coils are essential.
  • These coils help to operate the active implants through electric charge input.
  • In various medical treatments, such as heat treatments, radiofrequency treatments, and electromagnetic radiation-based treatments, micro-coils help to radiate energy.
  • The custom-made coils can create an external or a local magnetic field that helps in in-vivo magnetic navigation.
  • The custom-made micro-coils are essential for doctors to reach various inaccessible regions of our bodies.

There are many other medical applications for the micro-coil. However, the manufacturers should maintain the medical-grade during the manufacturing of the custom-made medical coils.

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