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Everything to Know about the Micro-Coils

Everything to Know about the Micro-Coils

Everything to Know about the Micro-Coils

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Micro-coils are very tiny in size in comparison to regular coils and these coils follow the mechanism of contact between the magnetic field and electric current. For this reason, these coils are also called electromagnetic coils. The main manufacturing process for the micro-coils is the winding method that winds the wire or electrical conductor to create the shape of a helix, coil, or spiral. Multiple parameters can influence the shape and size of the coils, for instance, resistance, inductance, and desired strength of the magnetic field. Therefore, on the basis of the clients’ requirements and the purpose of the application, the micro-coil’s shape and size can differ significantly. Magnifying glasses or microscopes are also essential for the manufacturing of micro-coils due to their tiny size.

Micro-coils help to build interaction between a magnetic field and an electric current in various devices, such as transformers, electromagnets, sensors, and inductors. The interaction can be developed in two different ways- i) when an electric current moves through an electrical conductor, this results in the generation of a magnetic field, ii) when an external magnetic field encounters the interior of a micro-coil, this causes the generation of an electric current through the wire.

Challenges for the Physical Size of the Coils:

Electromagnetic coils are essential components of various medical devices. On the other hand, these allow limited space for the micro-coils to fit into it. Therefore, the need for miniaturized micro-coils is increasing to prepare tiny components for medical devices, such as sensors and transducers. To deal with this challenge of limited physical size, manufacturers require using ultra-fine wires advanced positioning systems, and micro-motion control systems for the preparation of the micro-coils.

Manufacturing Challenges:

The ultra-fine wires that the manufacturers use for the production of micro-coils of eight or nine microns in diameter. Due to this tiny diameter, traditional machinery and methods are not effective for winding as well as connecting the ultra-fine wires.

How to Connect Two Ultra-Fine Wires?

In order to get rid of the ultra-fine wire connectivity challenges and the issues of traditional methods, the most efficient method is the Thermo compression bonding technology that most manufacturers rely on. Whether it’s about connecting two similar ultra-fine wires or different ultra-fine wires, this innovative technology is the ideal method. You can use this technology to connect a wire with another twelve times thicker wire and the wires can also be made of different metals. This technology definitely helps to build high reliable and trustable, corrosion-free, and strain-free joints for ultra-fine wires. Thermo compression bonding technology is also highly reliable for different types of connections, such as ultra-fine wires and thermocouples, micro-coils and supporting systems, and metal-to-metal connections.

The Winding Method of the Ultra-Fine Wires:

The ultra-fine wire winding method is actually responsible for the preparation of the micro-coils. As the winding process is very crucial, the process requires using custom coil winding machinery. Especially, when it comes to building medical devices and durable implants, micro-coils should offer ultra-strict tolerance requirements and quality standards.

Applications of Micro-coils:

Micro-coils or electromagnetic coils offer an enormous number of applications, such as

  • Therapeutic Applications:

Micro-coils are necessary to manufacture the devices for electricity-based ablation and electrophysiology treatments.

  • Orientation and Navigation Sensors:

In the case of stent positioning, targeted drug delivery, highly accurate ablations, implanted markers, targeted radiation catheters, and endoscopic manipulation, electromagnetic coils are essential.

  • Active Implants:

For building the pain management devices and brain stimulation components, micro-coils play a crucial role.

  • Dental and Orthopedic Treatment:

Electromagnetic coils that involve pulsed electromagnets are useful for dental and orthopedic treatments.

  • Diagnostics:

Tiny sensor implants are essential for wireless communication. Micro-coils are necessary to build these sensors.

The Future of the Micro-Coils:

For the designers of medical and electronic devices, micro-coils have developed a new path of numerous possibilities. In the medical field, doctors require to access different regions of our body without hampering the body functions. Micros-coils help the doctor to do that. On the other hand, there is an increasing demand for better durability and less energy consumption of the implanted devices. This obviously results in an increasing demand for ultra-fine wire technologies and micro-coils. Thus, in the future, we will be relying more on micro-coils.

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